Time Dominica and St. Lucia are on Atlantic Standard Time, which is one hour later than Eastern Standard Time in the US, and four hours earlier than Greenwich Mean Time. Since the islands do not observe daylight-saving time, they are on the same time as the eastern United States during the summer.
Contact Bike St. Lucia for information on Jungle Biking Adventures. Expect to pay around EC$200/US$75 for a full-day package that includes equipment, lunch, and transportation by taxi (from Marigot Bay, cruise-ship docks, and north-island resorts) and boat (from Anse Chastanet). Bike rental and trail use only is in the EC$157/US$59 per day range. Bikes are not available for use off property. 758-459-2453 www.bikestlucia.com.
Deep water near Dominica s sheltered west coast is an ideal breeding and calving ground for sperm whales, a species rarely seen in other parts of the world. Experts think eight to 12 of the huge mammals live in the area year-round, and seven types of whales and 11 types of dolphins have been seen within five miles of the island airport expr at various times of the year. You have
Passport airport expr or other proof of citizenship Airline tickets Hotel and car-rental vouchers or reservation numbers Camera, and more film than you think you ll need Sunglasses Sunhat or visor Sunblock; aloe vera after-sun gel or lotion Medications in original containers Insurance card Contact lenses or eyeglasses (bring airport expr a spare pair) Introduction
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