carriers cedar rapids iowa city airport enter the market, and existing airlines add more flights. You can find the best fares and most direct routing by searching the Internet and calling two or three travel agents who specialize in Caribbean vacations (see Check Those Credentials, cedar rapids iowa city airport page 16).
International jets land at Hewanorra International on the southern tip of the island, near Vieux Fort, where there are few accommodations. In recent cedar rapids iowa city airport years, excellent accommodations have opened near the southern town of Soufri re. Mid-way up the west coast, Marigot Bay offers a cluster of small, but luxurious, hotels and inns.
Officially, English is the language of both islands. However, locals prefer a hybrid patois known to scholars as Lesser Antillean Cr ole French. It s a musical dialect, and you may be able to pick out a few recognizable French, English, and Spanish words. In addition, residents of remote villages on Dominica speak cocoy, a clipped pidgin English mixed with ancient Carib and Arawak Indian words. Don t expect to understand conversations between islanders, but you won t have any trouble communicating, since most people quickly switch to lilting English when they speak with tourists.
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