Friday, September 28, 2012

bereavement benefits uk You must take a guide. Any of the land-tour operators listed on page 69 can help you plan your hike,

The gentler Garden Trail is a pleasant half-mile bereavement benefits uk walk along a gravel path with stops at a medicinal herb patch. bereavement benefits uk Again, you don t need a guide, since pamphlets and placards identify the plants and their traditional use. However, the rangers tend the garden themselves and know a lot about herbal cures for everything from bug bites to the common cold. You may find their stories and experiences quite captivating.

The rainforest has the tallest bereavement benefits uk trees with the fullest growth. They block most of the sun from reaching the forest floor, and their massive trunks are covered in anthurium and bromeliads (plants that include the familiar Spanish moss). Most of the plants that grow on the ground are ferns.

You must take a guide. Any of the land-tour operators listed on page 69 can help you plan your hike, or you can make your own arrangements with one of the local guides who live in the village of Laudat, where the trail begins. Ask for recommendations at Papillote Wilderness Retreat ( 767-448-2287). The going rate for freelance guides is about EC$160/ US$60 for a group of up to four, and they work hard for their day s pay.

Back on the main highway, continue on to St. Lucia s northernmost tip, Pointe du Cap, and the elegant residential area known as Cap Estate. It s interesting to cruise slowly past the beautiful homes built among the picturesque rolling hills. Some of the island s most exclusive resorts are here (LeSport and Club St. Lucia Resort) along with the St. Lucia Golf and Country Club.

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