Sunday, September 30, 2012

hancock michigan airport 758-459-7419, for a list of cruise operators. Expect to pay about EC$125/US$40 for a half-day trip t

Soon after leaving Anse La Libert , the road heads up into the fringes of the rainforest, then breaks out with breathtaking views of the twin Pitons as you drive down to Soufri re, the second-most important town on St. Lucia. If the shocks on your car can take a beating, it s worth making a quick detour to see Anse Chastanet. Look for a sign pointing the way up an incredibly rough road to the bay and resort, which share the same name. The beach here is quite spectacular, and the close-in reef is protected as a national marine park and a favorite with snorkelers and divers.

these rivers and pools rather than in the ocean, and you ll want to give it a try, especially after a long hike. Don t swim in the ocean or rivers near Roseau, and avoid slow-moving rivers since parasitic bilharzia is always a possibility. Otherwise, hancock michigan airport the water on and around the island is wonderfully clean and pure.

are a must-see, simply because they re there. The walls of the volcano disintegrated long ago, so don t expect to drive into an actual crater. You park on the hillside, quite close to all the action, then walk among the dormant but bubbling gaseous pits that smell and look like a scene from hell. Guides will take you on a tour of the lunar-like landscape, but be sure to stay on designated paths and overlooks. The ground is soft, and you don t want to risk stepping off into the hissing, boiling mud.

758-459-7419, for a list of cruise operators. Expect to pay about EC$125/US$40 hancock michigan airport for a half-day trip that includes drinks and snorkeling, and around EC$200/US$75 for a full-day on the water with lunch, drinks, and snorkeling. Another possibility is to take a tour by water taxi. The drivers are usually natives who know the coastline well, and their rates are reasonable. Their impromptu hancock michigan airport stories often are more entertaining than those of a professional guide. Expect to pay about EC$55/US$20 per hour or EC$300/US$112 per day for a private water tour for two to four people. Some drivers will supply sandwiches and drinks, but others expect you to bring your own.

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