Saturday, September 29, 2012

same day standby around the island. Some say Portsmouth has lower prices, and perhaps this is true, but there are far

Private Boats If you re arriving on a private boat, you can dock at Rodney Bay, Castries, Marigot Bay and Vieux Fort. Rodney Bay and Marigot Bay offer shower facilities, restaurants, grocery stores, and maintenance shops. St. Lucia is also a popular place to begin a sailing charter, same day standby and both Rodney Bay and Marigot Bay have major charter centers that rent crewed and bareboat yachts and sailboats.

around same day standby the island. Some say Portsmouth has lower prices, and perhaps same day standby this is true, but there are far fewer shops in the number-two town, so stick to Roseau if you re looking for specific items. If you re just browsing and hoping for a bargain, check out roadside vendors and stores in Carib Territory.

Old Peg-Leg Le Clerc and his cohorts were joined on the island in 1600 when the Dutch military same day standby arrived and built a bastion at Vieux Fort on the far southern tip. Europeans didn t try to actually colonize St. Lucia until a few years later, and even that was an accident. In 1605 a British ship called Olive Blossom, under the command of Captain Nicholas St. John, blew off course, and her 67 passengers came ashore to seek refuge. For some reason, the Caribs sold a parcel of land and a few huts to the English refugees, allowed them time to settle in, then turned inhospitable. Most of the new colonists were killed by their Indian hosts, and the rest were forced off the island in makeshift boats.

The road south of Anse La Raye continues through the community of Canaries, which is also tucked into a river-fed bay, to Anse La Libert , the only campground on the island. Established by the St. Lucia National Trust, the compound includes four miles of hiking trails and a pleasant beach with watersports equipment. For information and camping reservations contact the National Trust, 758-452-5005; www.slunatrust. org/all.

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