Sunday, September 30, 2012

airport moline il When slavery ended in 1834, plantation owners brought East Indians to the island as indentured serva

In 1902, the Carib Indians were granted a large parcel of land on Dominica s northeast coast. Today it is known as Carib Territory and inhabited by approximately 3,000 natives. It is the largest settlement of indigenous people in the Caribbean.

767-448-3337, airport moline il fax 767-448-4476 15 rooms and suites $ Jazz musician, Timothy Symes, who owns Symes Zee Eatery in Roseau, also owns this isolated hideout. He built it on family property about 15 years ago after returning from New York, where he lived long enough to learn the meaning of rat-race. For him, SymesZees Villa is the ideal remedy for stress-worn minds and bodies, and his staff is trained to provide peace and calm along with efficient service. The small hotel has magnificent views from its perch 3,010 feet above sea level near Middleham waterfalls. Rooms are simple, clean, and comfortable, and there s a res- taurant/bar for those who don t want to summon the energy to drive 15 minutes into Roseau.

767-448-2638, fax 767448-5680 32 rooms $ The Armour family owns and operates this popular hotel favored by divers and boaters. The plain, ample rooms are air conditioned and have private baths, balconies, and cable TV. Boats can moor right outside, and there s a swimming pool, squash court, seaside restaurant, and tropical- style bar where international adventure fans trade stories.

When slavery ended in 1834, plantation owners brought East Indians to the island as indentured servants. Their numbers were small compared to other nationalities, and their culture has almost disappeared. However, a significant airport moline il East Indian community still lives in the area around Vieux Fort, and their foods and cooking methods are a popular addition to the island s cuisine.

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