Sunday, October 28, 2012

airport ithaca In addition to verifying certification, ask if your potential travel agent is a member of any profes

The Beach Resort is on the north end of Soufri re Bay. Two studio and three one-bedroom apartments are on the upper level of the beachfront building and have wonderful views of the Pitons. All units are cheerfully decorated and cooled by ceiling fans; some have a kitchen. A shuttle bus runs between the two properties, but they are within walking distance of each other. Guests have privileges at both. When combined, there are two restaurants, two bars, a swimming pool, a gift boutique, and stables that offer horseback-riding.

In addition to verifying certification, ask if your potential travel agent is a member of any professional associations. Two of the best-known in the US are the American Society of Travel Agents (ASTA,,) and the Association of Retail Travel Agents (ARTA, www.artaonline. com).

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