Monday, October 29, 2012

luto in english 767-445-7636 Daily, 7:30am to 9pm Vegetarian/West Indian $$$ Floral Garden sounds too tearoom for th

767-448-5000 Daily, 7am to 10pm International/Cr ole $$$$ The menu here leans toward the exotic, which fits perfectly luto in english with the surroundings in this newly expanded old waterfront fortress. Trendy singles and romantic couples meet poolside at Balas Bar for cocktail hour before moving on to the dining room for dinner. Hotel guests and special-occasion diners tend to fill the candlelit restaurant in the evenings, but a mixed crowd shows up for the theme buffets at lunch time during the week. New construction has added two additional eateries. The Boardwalk Caf , which is open during the day for light meals and snacks, and the Waterfront Restaurant, which features luto in english a lunchtime buffet and a dinnertime international menu.

767-449-8700 or 767-448-4313; fax 448-3045 Five rooms, three suites Continental breakfast $ Sutton Place is a stylish new inn with a past. Back in the 1800s, a Dominican built a home for his family in the heart of Roseau, on the spot where the Sutton now stands. The house was sold some years later to another Dominican family named Harris, who turned the structure into a guesthouse in the 1930s. Mother Harris ran the well-known inn until 1979 when Hurricane David tore across the island demolishing everything in its path and leveling Sutton Guesthouse.

767-445-7636 Daily, 7:30am to 9pm Vegetarian/West Indian $$$ Floral Garden sounds too tearoom for this hotel restaurant that occupies both sides of the road about three miles inland from Carib Territory. Flowers and greenery are everywhere, but inside the d cor is rustic and the food is hearty. Backpackers fill up on agouti and crapaud when they return from treks through the adjoining rainforest, and newlyweds snuggle over a shared luto in english vegetarian dish. It s a place where everyone luto in english feels relaxed and welcome. When you visit, ask if owner Oliver (O.J.) luto in english Seraphin is in. He s a friendly host who enjoys luto in english talking about Floral Gardens and Dominica.

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