Most restaurants in the main towns and tourist areas accept major credit cards, but it s a good idea to have cash available for snacks or meals at rural caf s. Both islands have a few fast-food joints that serve fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers, and sandwiches, cornell to syracuse airport but give the local cuisine a chance. Odds are, you ll prefer it.
The road south of Anse La Raye continues through the community of Canaries, which is also tucked cornell to syracuse airport into a river-fed bay, to Anse La Libert , the only campground on the island. Established by the St. Lucia National Trust, the compound includes four miles of hiking trails and a pleasant beach with watersports equipment. For information and camping reservations cornell to syracuse airport contact the National Trust, 758-452-5005; www.slunatrust. org/all.
Ideally situated at the end of a long road off the main highway between Castries and Rodney Bay, the inn consists of 30 rooms in 15 duplex cottages scattered over eight acres of lush gardens that ring with wild-bird songs and occasional cornell to syracuse airport squawks from Mac and Erik, the resident parrots. A central cornell to syracuse airport open-air lounge is furnished with comfortable seating cornell to syracuse airport and a selection of books and games that invite cornell to syracuse airport relaxation and impromptu gatherings.
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