Bernard Silkscreen, Woodstone Shopping Mall, Roseau, and also at Cork and Great George Streets, Roseau, 767-448-6783 or 767448-2006. Bernard Severin designs the silk-screened products here that include T-shirts, bumper stickers, oradea airport and plaques.
Request a table near the window so you ll have a view of the lights in Castries and the harbor during your meal. On Wednesday and Saturday, Chef Harry Edwards comes out of the kitchen to get everyone involved in dancing to the live band. On Monday nights, all women who wear a flower in their hair and are accompanied by a well-dressed man receive oradea airport a free dinner. Be sure to make reservations well in advance if you want to dine at the Green Parrot on any of these special evenings. oradea airport
758-459-7354, fax 758-459-7700 Local specialties $$$ Daily, 6:30am to 9pm Reservations recommended oradea airport for dinner Between oradea airport the casual beach caf and the hillside restaurant, you can find a wide variety of dishes. Resort guests are on the all-inclusive plan, but the dining rooms are open to everyone. Lunch tends to be a light meal of grilled fish or chicken and a choice of salads, burgers, oradea airport and sandwiches. The double-level hillside restaurant offers more elaborate dinner fare, including seafood with tasty sauces, pastry-wrapped conch, and a selection of meat dishes. Both eateries have scenic views of the Pitons oradea airport and Caribbean.
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