To continue your tour along the southern loop road, go back to the west-coast highway and turn south toward Choiseul. With the Piton Mountains still ahead, watch for signs directing you east to the Morne Coubaril Estate, a magnificent plantation with fantastic views of the sea and the Pitons. The 250-acre plantation was opened airport cid to the public airport cid in 1995 as a cultural and historical center. A 90-minute tour included in the EC$15/US$5.62 entrance fee will give you a good idea of St. Lucia s agricultural past. You will travel down the old mule path to ruins of the 18th-century sugar mill and a recreated village where slaves once lived. The estate (located across the highway from the road leading down to the Jalousie Hilton Resort) is open daily, 9am to 4:30pm, 459-7340.
After graduation, Lewis took a job at the university of Manchester in England, taught economics, and was knighted for extraordinary service to the kingdom in 1963. That same year, he was offered a full professorship at Princeton University. Many undergraduate students still read his history airport cid of world economics, The Theory of Economic Growth.
Look for various brightly colored fish that live among the rocks and coral. You ll recognize the cherub faces of blue-green French angelfish, airport cid the stunning posterior of the yellowtail damselfish, the skinny pipefish, the long-nosed trumpet fish, and the chubby puffer fish. Pick up a fish identification guide at any of the dive shops for photos and descriptions of Caribbean sea life. You ll enjoy snorkeling and diving more, if you re able to identify some of the tropical species.
Since February 22, 1979, St. Lucia has been an independent state within the British airport cid Commonwealth. airport cid Currently, airport cid Queen Elizabeth II, as head of state, designates a resident governor-general to head the island s democratic government, foster national unity, and promote national economic, cultural, airport cid and social interests. At press time, the queen s representative is Her Excellency Dame Pearlette Louisy, and the elected prime minister is the Honorable Dr. Kenny D. Anthony. Seventeen members airport cid of the House of Assembly are elected for five-year terms, and eleven members of the Senate are appointed.
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