Saturday, October 27, 2012

mli airport Most restaurants in the main towns and tourist areas accept major credit cards, but it s a good idea

Most restaurants in the main towns and tourist areas accept major credit cards, but it s a good idea to have cash available for snacks or meals at rural caf s. Both islands have a few fast-food joints that serve fried chicken, pizza, hamburgers, and sandwiches, but give the local cuisine a chance. Odds are, you ll prefer it.

year. Most dock at the major berth on the Bayfront in the capital, Roseau, mli airport but the island also has smaller cruise-ship terminals at Woodbridge mli airport Bay, a mile north of Roseau, and at Cabrits National Park, on the island s northern tip. You can walk to many attractions from all the docks, and taxis and tour operators meet passengers as they disembark. mli airport

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