On the main coastal road, you ll find small craft shops that sell baskets woven from rainforest larouma moline il airport reeds into intricate brown, black and white patterns handed down through many generations. Turn inland to the little hamlet of Salybia where the altar inside the A-shaped mouina moline il airport
On your way to Vieux Fort, stop in the pleasant fishing village of Choiseul (named moline il airport for a duke who served under King Louis XV) to visit the Art & Craft Center. You can wander around the workshop to watch the artisans making pottery, baskets, and wood carvings. The store offers good prices and there s a large selection of traditional Caribbean handicrafts. Monday through Saturday, 9am to 5pm; 758-459-3226.
Bernard Silkscreen, Woodstone Shopping Mall, Roseau, and also at Cork and Great George Streets, Roseau, 767-448-6783 moline il airport or 767448-2006. Bernard Severin designs the silk-screened products here that include T-shirts, bumper stickers, and plaques.
thing when you turn a light on at night). Be nice to them they eat lots of mosquitoes. Native Carib Indians thought they carried evil spirits and spread rumors that they could only be removed from a person s skin with a scalding iron.
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